- Introduction
- Our Unique Research & Training Program
- About The HONERI And It's Research Facilitators
- Assignments & Graduation To Fellowship
- The Herbology And Optimum Nutrition Program
- Research Associate Program Outline
- Lessons & Learning Areas
- Enrolment Fees
The aim of our Institute is to promote the safe and effective use of natural therapeutics. To this effect, we have structured an in-house training program for persons who wish to become innovators in the field of natural health. As a Research Associate of the Institute, you will learn about natural health and participate in our research function.
As a Research Associate, you will be guided through our in-house training program which provides up to date, accurate information on natural health substances, which are safe, effective and evidence based.
All training materials are a based on evidence-based, scientific research in natural health, and are regularly updated as new developments occur. There are 38 self-contained modules in the program, which you can study at your own pace. The average duration of our in-house training program is two to three years depending on your pace. Research Associates can begin their program at any time throughout the year.
Currently there is no better way to learn about Herbology and Optimum Nutrition in Southern Africa, plus most other countries in the world, as we set our standards among the tope institutions in this field in the world. As an International Research Institute, we are able to facilitate enrollment of Research Associates anywhere in the world, as training is contacted electronically via the Internet or by CD-ROM.
No longer do you have to scour libraries and books to get accurate, evidence based information on natural health substances.
The HONERI has been established to provide training for those who are unable to undertake full-time studies. You may have family, job, financial or other commitments that prevent you from participating in on-campus program in natural health.
With the training methods HONERI methods, you learn in the convenience of your own home, working at your own pace.
You can start studying at any time throughout the year. Study where and when you choose! Because this course is offered electronically, you can access to study materials and reference materials at any time, anywhere.
Everything you need can accessed on CD ROM provided on enrolment
Distance learning is not for everyone. It does require self-motivation and self-discipline. If you need a controlled classroom environment in order to learn, then the HONERI may not be for you. If, however, you can set and consistently follow your own work schedule, then you may find your HONERI experience to be particularly rewarding. Highly motivated Research Associates are able to complete their correspondence programs in less time than it would have taken in full-time resident studies.
This holistic approach ensures the vocation is available to people with genuine desires to help and learn. Research published since 1920 repeatedly indicates that correspondence or distance study is every bit as effective as classroom training. Often it is more effective. This may be because Research Partners are able to choose subjects for which they have special interests or aptitudes, and/or because of their greater maturity and self-discipline.
If you are seeking personal satisfaction in this field if you enjoy the experience of learning itself then an the HONERI Research Associate program will likely be an excellent match for your interests and vocation.
The HONERI's Research and Education program is intended:
to provide a comprehensive understanding of Herbology & Optimal Nutrition
to apply sound, scientific principles to the providing of practical knowledge in Herbology & Optimal Nutrition.
to train Consulting Herbologists to practice from a focus that recognizes the uniqueness of every individual.
to prepare graduates (Fellows) to work as Consulting Herbologists on holistic health care teams to both individuals and organizations.
to serve the public by making natural health training and free choice in health available through the HONERI members.
The HONERI is an international institute without walls. It has no campuses, no buildings, no classrooms and no schedules. Without these costly overheads, the HONERI is able to provide significant training for a fraction of the cost of on-campus studies at traditional universities or other herbal schools. Research Associates work at their own pace in the comfort of their own homes, wherever in the world they may be located. Local and international Research Facilitators similarly work from their own homes and personal offices. Research Facilitators and Research Associates communicate with each other via fax, telephone, email, and postal service. All instruction, textbooks and supporting materials, are presented in the English language. See 'About Us' for more info.
Each module in the HONERI program is self-contained. It will always include a test assignment, or essay assignment (or both), which is to be completed at the Research Associate's convenience and sent by mail or email to HONERI.
These are routed to a Research Facilitator for grading and evaluation. There are no final examinations at the end of our program.
Once Research Associates have completed all their assignments and have had them marked, they will be eligible for graduation into the Fellowship.
Research Associates who do not have computer access will have their assignments sent to them in printed form. Research Associates must obtain a mark of at least 75% to pass assignments.
Students must have:
completed and paid (in full) for the program,
achieved competency in all subjects in the training modules,
been recommended for graduation by the faculty.
There are no predetermined graduation dates. You may graduate as soon as you have fulfilled all the necessary requirements for the program. Your Diploma, congratulatory letter and invitation to become a Fellow of the Institute will be sent to you by the Head Office shortly thereafter.
Herbology involves the treatment of ill health by the use of the whole plant or a part of the plant, such as the leaf, or a preparation of the plant. Herbology today, synthesizes traditional herbal philosophy and expertise with up-to-date medical understanding. A wide knowledge of herbs and nutritional substances and their preparation is required, together with knowledge of anatomy, physiology, basic pathology and biochemistry to become a competent Consulting Herbologist
Become A Research Associate For Your Own Interest!
The Research Associate program is not limited to persons wanting to become practicing Clinical Herbalists. Many people have chosen to do the course to reclaim their birthright to freely use nature's dispensary for themselves, friends and families.
With the ever increasing prices of good herbal products and more pharmaceutically-modeled restrictions imposed by governments, thereby hindering availability of wholesome, ethical herbal preparations, this course will enable you to rightfully and lawfully reclaim your health and others health with superior quality, home-made herbal preparations.
Become a Research Associate To Help Others!
Most Research Associates aim to set up their own consultancy, working on either a full or part-time basis. Some may join other complementary therapists and practice in an integrated health clinic. In some cases Research Associates have been invited to work with medical doctors in a multi-disciplinary, integrative medical clinics.
The program covers aspects of philosophy, history and traditional uses of plant substances and preparations, while anchoring Herbology and Optimum Nutrition as a scientific, evidence-based vocation. Selected wild plants, medicinal trees and health substances are examined for their application in the relief of most common ailments and dis-eases.
Of the 38 modules in this program, Research Associates will learn about how the human body works in optimal health and how it dysfunctions in dis-ease. Modules will teach you the following.
For a detailed description of all the lessons and learning areas of the program, download our current Prospectus 
For all fees structures, simply download our current Prospectus 